Manchester University
Haist Union Addition/Renovation
Renovation of the original 1963 Manchester University Union, which houses the only student dining on campus, required that the building remain operational during construction. MSKTD’s design team worked around this issue by creatively planning, staging and phasing this new addition. Large open areas, balcony overlooks and extensive use of exterior and interior glass walls help create bright inviting spaces, connecting the activity areas visually with each other and providing views of the campus.
The new Union has grown functionally and aesthetically, remaining a focal point of campus activities and continuing the Manchester University tradition of high quality educational environments. This new facility is a reflection of those ideals and a “Union” in every respect. The Haist Union is a fully rejuvenated space located within the Jo Young Switzer Center.
2008 “Outstanding Design – Renovation/Modernization” Award from American School & University magazine