Published July 29, 2024


Imagine learning that your infant son required immediate medical intervention and heart surgery at just 9 days old. That’s exactly what Josh Farlee experienced after the birth of his son Dane in 2004.

When Josh, Lead Architectural Project Technician, came to work at MSKTD in 2011, he discovered a wealth of care and support from his fellow MSKTD associates for Dane’s health journey.

Dane was born with a narrowing of his aorta, a condition called critical aortic stenosis. The aorta carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body. And in Dane’s case, his aorta was 10 times too narrow and therefore life threatening.

The medical team first detected a heart murmur which required surgery nine days after he was born. Dane weighed just 5 pounds at the time, and his heart was the size of walnut. They performed an 8-hour operation through an incision that was just 2 inches long.

In the years since, Dane has needed 3 more surgeries, the most recent taking place at Riley Hospital in July of 2020. Each surgery has been a success, and today, Dane is a healthy young adult, working full time and serving as an inspiration for all the families with children in similar situations.

Since 2016, The Dane Farlee Foundation has given just shy of $100,000 to Riley.
They have committed to raising a minimum of $10,000 a year going forward.

It didn’t take long for Dane, a natural in the spotlight, to become a face for fundraising for Riley Hospital for Children. For over a decade, he has advocated for Riley at Colts and Pacers games, as well as the annual Indiana University Dance Marathon.

In 2016, after becoming a Riley Champion, Dane Farlee and his family hosted the first annual Dane’s Golf Outing to benefit the Riley Heart Center that has given him such great care. That first event was so successful that in 2017, Dane’s Golf Outing became The Dane Farlee Foundation, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to pediatric research outcomes and providing automated external defibrillators (AED) in the homes of children in need.

Fellow associates at MSKTD quickly came alongside Josh and readily formed teams for that first golf outing, with 100% of the proceeds going straight to Riley Hospital for Children. Over the years, the number of MSKTD teams continues to grow. Today, over 20 employees golf and personally raise money for the cause and MSKTD is one of the top sponsors of the day’s events.

When Dane needed the surgery in 2020, Josh experienced additional support from the leadership team at MSKTD. “They told me to take as much time as I needed,” said Josh. “Their message was simple. Family is first. It just shows how much people at MSKTD care about each other.”

Dane Farlee in front of a crowd with a W flag

To date, The Dane Farlee Foundation has given just shy of $100,000 to Riley Hospital for Children, and the foundation has committed to raising a minimum of $10,000 a year going forward. It’s a big goal, but one that is achievable, thanks to widespread community support.

Visit The Dane Farlee Foundation to learn more about the Dane Farlee Foundation or to sign up for one of their fun events!

The 9th annual Dane’s Golf Outing is August 18, 2024, 8 a.m., at the Colonial Oaks Golf Club. Registration is still open.

Use of all images courtesy of © The Dane Farlee Foundation 2024.